Ram Krishan Gupta Marg, CHARKHI DADRI (Haryana)
Short Information : Janta Vidhya Mandir Ganpatrai Rasiwasia College invite the offline Application form for the post of Group C Post. Interested Candidate can apply offline directly from the given link.
All the details of Janta Vidhya Mandir Ganpatrai Rasiwasia College Group C Vacancy 2021 like application form, age, qualification and other are given in this post.
Important Date
Form Starting Date:- 10-10-2021
Interview Date :- 21/10/2021 & 22/10/2021
Requirements for Teaching Staff
Teaching Staff:
Co-ordinator for SPS Courses, Medical Lab. Technology (UG), Chemistry, Mathematics (For UG & PG), Computer Sc. & Application, Environmental Sc.,
Interview : 21.10.2021 at 10.30 a.m. onward
English, History, Physical Education (Female), Political Sc. (For PG), Rural Development (PG) & Geography (For UG & PG), Actuarial Science, Commerce
Interview : 22.10.2021 at 10.30 am. onward
आवेदक को कोई फार्म भरने की जरूरत नहीं है, सीधा इंटरव्यू के लिए जा सकते हैं। आवेदन पत्र वेबसाइट से डाउनलोड करें।
Qualification as per DHE Haryana & CBLU. Salary as per UGC / University Norms.
Age Limit
Minimum Age :- The Minimum Age of Candidate Should not be less then 18 Years.
Maximum Age :– No Criteria
Wanted eligible and qualified lecturers as per UGC/DGHE Haryana/CBLU Bhiwani rules to deliver extension lectures on need basis in the following subjects for the session 2021-22 under SelfFinancing Scheme.
Attend interview with all testimonials at your own expenses on the dates and time as mentioned below against each subject.
Note: Application form can be downloaded from college website www.jvmgrr.org Reporting time 10.00 a.m.